Bottle cap test result.
Another item actioned.
Bottle cap test result.
Another item actioned.
Both stills are now on-site waiting for electrician and plumber to do their thing. Larger still (on left and…
Last week we had our new Stainless Steel bench and shelf installed by #2jsbrewandq and it was put to…
The idea to start a Distillery from the ground up came about in late 2020 when a crazy Asian (aka Noodles) contacted his even crazier Aussie/Dutch mate (Fluffy) with the idea of starting up a Distillery concentrating Rum as there was only a handful of distilleries in the SEQ area doing this.
Even though we have been quiet since our last update, we haven’t stopped getting things done at the Distillery….
We have finally done it and opened our doors. Big thanks to all our helpers on the day, won’t…
After talking with MBRC since March and having a few wins then a massive step backwards with our classification….